How to Safely Chew Gum with Retainers

Congratulations, you’ve finally gotten your braces off and are now the proud owner of a brand new set of retainers. But as you celebrate your new straight teeth, you may be wondering, “Can I chew gum with retainers?” The answer is yes, but there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure you don’t damage your retainers or your teeth. In this article, we’ll discuss how to safely chew gum with retainers and provide some tips for proper retainer care.

Can I Chew Gum with Retainers?

The short answer is yes, you can chew gum with retainers. However, it’s important to note that chewing gum can put extra pressure on your teeth and retainers, which can cause them to shift or break. Therefore, it’s important to be cautious and follow some guidelines to ensure you don’t damage your retainers or your teeth.

Choose the Right Type of Gum

When it comes to chewing gum with retainers, not all gum is created equal. It’s important to choose a gum that is soft and easy to chew, such as sugar-free gum or gum with a soft texture. Avoid hard or sticky gums, as these can cause damage to your retainers and teeth.

Remove Your Retainers Before Chewing Gum

One of the best ways to ensure you don’t damage your retainers while chewing gum is to simply remove them before chewing. This will also prevent any food particles from getting stuck in your retainers, which can be difficult to clean and lead to bacteria buildup. Just be sure to store your retainers in a safe place while you chew gum.

Clean Your Retainers After Chewing Gum

If you do choose to chew gum with your retainers in, it’s important to clean them afterwards. This will help remove any sugar or food particles that may have gotten stuck on your retainers. You can clean your retainers by gently brushing them with a soft toothbrush and mild soap, or by using a retainer cleaning solution.

Proper Retainer Care

In addition to being cautious while chewing gum, it’s important to practice proper retainer care to ensure they last as long as possible. This includes:

  • Removing your retainers before eating or drinking anything other than water
  • Brushing your retainers daily with a soft toothbrush and mild soap
  • Soaking your retainers in a retainer cleaning solution at least once a week
  • Storing your retainers in a safe place when not in use

By following these tips, you can safely chew gum with retainers and maintain good orthodontic care.

Be Cautious

In conclusion, while it is possible to chew gum with retainers, it’s important to be cautious and choose the right type of gum. It’s also important to remove your retainers before chewing and to clean them afterwards. By following these guidelines and practicing proper retainer care, you can enjoy your straight teeth and chew gum without worrying about damaging your retainers.