Emergency Dental Care In Enid OK

When you are in Enid orthodontic treatment, there may be a time when you experience a mishap with your braces or other appliance. True Enid orthodontic emergencies are extremely rare, so don’t worry — most issues you can handle at home or during regular office hours!

Broken wires and loose brackets are the most common issues you may encounter. But there is no reason to panic!

  • If your wire breaks, it could be sharp and cause injury to the inside of your mouth. If the wire has come loose from the bracket, you can use a clean pair of tweezers or the eraser end of a pencil to gently place the wire back in place. If you can’t get it in place, use some orthodontic wax over the end of the wire to prevent it from causing injury. Or you can use a clean and sanitized pair of nail clippers to carefully clip the wire behind the last bracket it is attached to.
  • A loose bracket won’t be painful, but it could be annoying. Using clean tweezers slide the bracket back into place or at least a comfortable position. You can also use orthodontic wax to hold the bracket in place.

Orthodontics Emergency Treatment Enid

The best way to avoid problems while in braces is to follow all care instructions as given by your orthodontist or assistant. That means avoiding foods on the “do-not-eat” list. We know it can be annoying to have to avoid some of your favorite foods while in treatment, but it will definitely help you avoid damaging your braces!

Avoid anything too hard, crunchy, sticky, or chewy. These can pull brackets off or bend the wires, meaning your braces can’t do their job.

It’s also important to protect your mouth if you play contact sports or are involved in any activity where a blow to the mouth could occur.

If you experience a minor mishap while in braces and need assistance, contact Rose Rock Orthodontics today.


How to Handle an Orthodontic Emergency?

Enid Orthodontic emergencies aren’t life-threatening, so handling them is easy. First of all, get in touch with your orthodontist to let them know about what happened. Next, you can try several quick DIY fixes to deal with the discomfort and prevent any additional damage.

What is Considered an Orthodontic Emergency?

An orthodontic emergency in Enid will only endanger your orthodontic appliance, meaning they’re situations that could damage your braces, aligners, retainers, space maintainers, and more. Unlike general dental emergencies, an orthodontic emergency won’t ever be life-threatening.

How does emergency dentistry work?

Keep in mind that emergency dentistry is different than orthodontic emergency services. Enid Emergency Dentistry deals with symptoms and situations that may be indicative of severe and life-threatening problems. Enid Emergency dental services will offer you treatment within 24 hours of the first time you experience symptoms.

How do I find an emergency dental treatment center?

In many cases, you can simply go to your dentist’s office; however, we advise you to give them a call and describe everything that’s going on. Some cases will require immediate attention in an ER setting, and your dentist can help you determine where to go.

How to find an emergency dentist near me?

Call your general dentist, and they will be happy to provide you with directions on where to go and how to get the care you require at such a critical time.

How to avoid orthodontic emergencies?

The best thing to do is pay close attention to your orthodontist’s instructions and avoid anything that could damage your orthodontic appliance. Please remember that you can’t eat anything you like when you’re wearing braces, and for those wearing removable appliances, please carry their case at all times to avoid losing them.